We offer wide range of services to our clients. Find out more about our main service lines.
Antitrust / Competition Law
The firm has notified various mergers and full-function joint ventures to the Hungarian Competition Authority and has represented clients in a number of investigations conducted by the Authority, including cartel investigations.
Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency
The firm’s corporate restructuring and insolvency lawyers advise various lenders, creditors, large and medium-sized enterprises, borrowers, debtors and stakeholders on a wide range of matters.
Corporate and Commercial Law
The firm advises businesses of varying sizes and types, ranging from multinational corporations to medium-sized Hungarian enterprises.
Gaming and Betting
The firm’s extensive experience in advising companies and investors on gambling and regulatory matters means that the firm is well placed to advise clients in relation to the ongoing modernisation of Hungary’s gambling laws.
Intellectual Property
All businesses use or, through their operation, generate intellectual property.
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
The firm has been frequently involved in transactions relating to the restructuring, merger, de-merger or acquisition of enterprises.
The development of appropriate internal organizational structures and employment relationships , as well as the organization of a company’s operations regarding labour protection and safety, are essential for the successful operation of a company.
Public Procurement
The firm advises all entity types which qualify as contracting authorities under the public procurement law, as well as businesses which intend to submit tenders in contract award procedures.
The firm is able to provide advice relating to the legal elements of environmental protection.
Dispute Resolution and Litigation
The goal of the firm is to ensure that the legal disputes of its clients are resolved quickly and cost-effectively in their favour and, where possible, other than through litigation.
Information Technology, Telecommunications and E-commerce
The firm places significant emphasis on keeping abreast with rapidly developing areas of lawrelating to information technology (IT), telecommunications and e-commerce.
Real Estate / Commercial Property
The firm has been involved in numerous real estate investments, including real estate development projects.
Banking and Securities
The services provided by the firm include advice on various aspects of banking, and the issuance and trading of securities
Professional Assistance for Lawyers
You have probably encountered situations where you needed friendly professional help from a colleague regarding a legal issue